
Introduction to Hotglue

Hotglue is a simple visual tool for creating websites using a “Drag and Drop” method. For this assignment we were asked to create a webpage using the free web development software “Hotglue”, in this project our main tasks were to implement different types of media into the page: Audio, Video and Image.

To start I went for the somewhat classic webpage look. Logo in the top left, with the previously popular menu on the left. I incorporated all forms of media required as you can see. For audio I used a widget from soundcloud, mainly because you could have the function to play and pause the song, so that it wasn't forced onto you as you open a page.

For an image, I found a JPEG from and used the “embed another webpage function”. I did this so that you could have the scroll function as seen below.

Finally for video I just found a random video on YouTube and pasted the link into the “embed YouTube or Vimeo video”.

As I have only done minimal webpage development, I felt this was quite a good website to use. The drag and drop functions made it very simple for the user to create a webpage from scratch without any knowledge of coding. That being said, I was not a fan. You are extremely limited to what you can place into a webpage and moving and scaling items can be very tedious and times.

If you would like to view this brief example (and I can assure you I will take no offence if you do not) you can view it in the below link.

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